Voici ce qu'il fallait traduire:
Being in 'debit' is more properly called being 'in commitment', i.e. the user is committed to giving value to the community of other LETSystem users.
Similarly, being in 'credit' is called 'in acknowledgement' i.e. the payment received is acknowledgement for the services given to the community of users.
J'ai demandé à LETSystem de m'aider à traduire ces expressions, voici leur réponse:
To make a commitment is to promise to do something in the future, so it's a
promise, an undertaking, an obligation. So in commitment means 'under obligation' etc
To make an aknowledgement is to express appreciation for something, to
recognise the value of something. So in acknowledgement means "in recognition".
Merci à Angus Soutar, de LETSystem, pour sa précieuse aide.