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Rambit Human Ressources

Example of letter of thanks


Here's an example a little more complete of a letter of thanks that you can adapt after an interview

example of letter of thanks

Montreal, March 15, 2005

Mrs. Emmanuelle Latraverse,

Following our meeting of March 21st , I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk with you and with Mr. Péladeau, president.

I enjoyed the conversation we had, the atmosphere was very pleasant. Through this meeting, my interest in a position within a team as dynamic as yours has increased.

We are looking forward to meet you again to share more about our respective needs.

Moreover, I want to assure you that I have the potential and that I am determined to address the challenges related to the position of counselor projects.

Yours sincerely, Mrs Latraverse, the expression of my highest consideration.

Mr. Harper

How to write a letter of thanks

[ How to write a letter of thanks ]
Tricks and examples for your search for employment...

© Informatique Rambit Enr., novembre 1996.