Mrs. Petterson Mary Smith

Mrs. Petterson Mary SmithUne autre histoire à faire à croire à des gens que la bonne fortune vient de cogner à leur porte… la plus que gentille madame Petterson Mary Smith voudrait vous donner des gros sous… puisque c’est une maman, elle ne peut pas être méchante hein ? Poudre au yeux !

Supprimez ce courriel… ne répondez pas!  Ne leur confirmez pas que votre adresse courriel est valide en répondant « juste pour voir la suite »….

Ils font même référence à un article publié sur CNN pour tenter de se donner de la crédibilité… foutaise,,, en plus, le nom est même pas dans la liste ! ha ha ah

voici une copie du courriel…


From:    « Mrs. Petterson Mary Smith » <>
Date:    Mon, October 19, 2009 6:14 am
To:      undisclosed-recipients:;

I am Mother Mary Petterson Smith, 87 Years old woman and the wife of
Late Sir Smith Oliver who died in a Plane crash on Monday the 7th of
September 1998 GMT 4:22 UK while they were flying from New York to
Geneva. Please see site below for more information:

After the death of my husband I became the Head of his investment and
now that I am old and weak I have decided to spend the rest of my life
with my family and loved ones whom I never had time for during the
course of my business life, but before the death of my husband we had
a plan to use the last days of our lives to donate half of what we had
worked for to the less privilege/charity homes and the other half for
ourselves, family members and close friends. Unfortunately, my husband
is not alive today to do this with me and I am very weak and old now,
hence I have decided to do this philanthropic work on behalf of my
late husband and I.

Presently, I have willed out almost half of our assets to several
charities homes/less privilege in different countries.

Three weeks ago I deposited a cheque in the sum of £800,000.00 British
Pounds with Transway Express to deliver to you upon your contact with
them, but I was unable to notify you timely because of my ill health,
what you have to do now is to contact the Transway Express as soon as
possible to know when they will deliver your package to you because of
the expiring date on the cheque. For your information, I have paid the
delivering cost, the Insurance premium and clearance Certificate fee
of the cheque showing that it is not meant to sponsor terrorism in
your country. The only money you are expected to pay is the Security
keeping of the cheque for three weeks (160 GBP). I would have paid the
fee but the company insisted that I should not because they don’t know
when you will be contacting them and to avoid further cost.

You have to contact the Company now for the delivery of your cheque
with this information bellow;

Contact Person:  Mr. George Bryan
Email Address:
Telephone: +44 704 575 4869

You are to re-confirm the below information to them to avoid any
mistake on the Delivery and ask them to provide you with the method
they wish to use in receiving their accrued security keeping fee of
£160 British Pounds for their immediate action.

1. Postal address:
2. Full Names:
3. Direct telephone number:
4. Security Keeping Code: (SCT/0433/TE)

Here is the security keeping code: (SCT/0433/TE) of you draft, you are
to also present it to them for verification before delivery.

Yours Faithfully,
Mrs. Mary Patterson S.

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