I search man for close relations

Après avoir reçu plein de ti-message de détresse et d’amour promis de Irina… voici maintenant le tour de Elena… même pattern… elle s’ennuit loin loin… et elle nous envoit une belle photo… et nous dit que la prochaine lettre, si on répond à celle-ci sera encore plus détaillée…

Le courriel provient d’une adresse de cochonnerie et elle demande de lui écrireàa son email perso… qu’elle fournit bien sur… et dans chaque vague de spam arnaque, le courriel change… haha… mais la phot reste la même…

Le sujet du courriel est « I search man for close relations » .

La lettre est écrite en anglais… dans un mauvais anglais… disons que l’origine n’est pas le pays de l’oncle Sam…

voici la photo et la lettre…

ne répondez pas !

Après quelques échanges, ils tenteront de vous frauder…

I search man for close relations

Hello! My name is Elena.
What is your name?

I search man for close relations, you will ask me, why I am in the Internet and how I found your adress. I think Internet helps people to find new friends and their love in our busy daily life.

I did not think before that it is possibly to find man in the Internet and to connect life with whom the one whom you did not see before, but some my girlfriends found nice men and friends through Internet, so I decided to meet in the Internet too.

I am alone and I decided to use this unusually way. I came to the internet cafe, I use Internet in the first time, and I don’t understand much in the Internet and in acquaintances through web, the manager, which work here helped me to find your adress, he worked in the firm of acquaintances through the Internet.

In this firm there were some adresses, of the men, which searched acquaintances, so he gave me your adress and I decided to write you.

Please reply ONLY to my personal e-mail: kioka009@rambler.ru

If you will have interest in me, I will glad to tell you more about myself and write you more in my next letter.

In this firm there were some adresses, of the men, which searched acquaintances, so he gave me your dress and I decided to write you.

Please reply ONLY to my personal e-mail: kioka009@ rambler.ru

If you will have interest in me, I will glad to tell you more about myself and write you more in my
next letter.

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5 Commentaires

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  1. 4

    @Tanaja : this email message is only SPAM. not real message. The objective of thie email message is to get your cash ! So do not answer the sender of the message (don’t do reply)
    Where they get your email adsress ? Often, they just gessing… don’t worry about that !

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