Une autre arnaque de loterie imaginaire parmi tant d’autres!
Prenez garde !
Si vous recevez un message vous indiquant que vous avez gagné un gros lot grâce à MICROSOFT 2010 Promotions ….
Ne répondez pas… n’envoyez pas vos coordonnées….
Supprimez le message !
C’est une arnaque !
—– Forwarded message from MICROSOFT CORPORATION INTERNATIONAL <walkersdfmithco-ordinator@hotmail.com> —–
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 23:55:48 +0530
From: MICROSOFT CORPORATION INTERNATIONAL <walkersdfmithco-ordinator@hotmail.com>
Reply-To: walkersmithco-ordinator@hotmail.com
Subject: MICROSOFT 2010 Promotions
To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
From The Desk of Mr.Richard Mcshane
Head Investigation/Unsettled Payments.
Contract/Lottery/Inheritance/Next of Kin Payments
Madrid Spain.
On behalf of the unsettled debt commitee I wish to congratulate and inform you that after thorough review and evaluation of your Inheritance/Contract/lottery funds in conjunction with the World Bank Auditor General and the International Monetary Fund (IMF)assessment report, your payment file was forwarded to us for immediate transfer of the above quoted amount to your designated bank account from their offshore account with us.
The reports given to us shows that you have been going through hard times by paying a lot of money to see to the release of your bankers for confirmation.
Your transfer slip N0A001176894/08.Please quote this transfer slip in all your correspondence with this office. You are required to reconfirm the underlisted:
1, Full name
2, Contact phone and fax numbers
3, Occupation
4, Contact address (home or ofice)
5, Age
6, Nature of unsettled payment.
We shall proceed with the processing/funds release once the aformentioned has been provided.
Yours sincerely,
Mr.Richard Mcshane.
—– End forwarded message —–